Employment Law & Wrongful Termination
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A lot has changed in the year 2020, including employment law. In the state of California, there are now a series of laws enacted in order to help curb problematic employment practices and reduce inequality amongst workers.
There are now job equality guidelines, and employers can no longer ban discrimination based on hairstyle. It’s also now easier for first responders to receive workers’ compensation for post-traumatic stress disorder. The state also raised its minimum wage on January 1, 2020, increasing it to $13 per hour for employers with 26 or more employees, and $12 per hour for employers with 25 or fewer employees. Amid the pandemic, California recently also created a Worker Protection Order to help slow the transmission of COVID-19.
Most jobs are considered at-will, which means employees can be fired at any time for any reason deemed applicable by the employer. However, California makes it illegal for an employer to fire an at-will employee for a variety of reasons. As an employee, you can’t be fired based on your race, religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic that is legally protected from discrimination at the state or federal level. Employees who engage in whistleblowing are similarly protected. It’s also illegal for an employer to fire you over protected absences — Pregnancy, disability, medical, military, workers compensation, and even leave for jury duty are all forms of work leave that are legally protected — or constructive discharge,
If you feel you were fired for any of these reasons, you can take legal action, as it is considered wrongful termination. Hire us and we will negotiate on your behalf and help you gather the important evidence you need to prove your case.
In order to get the compensation that you deserve, you must work with the best car accident law firm in your area. Our dedicated team of car accident lawyers will fight for you against the insurance company’s attempts to weaken your claim. Because of this, The Law Collective has familiarized itself with how insurance companies work and we know how to counteract their delay-and-deny tactics. It is common for us to double, triple, or even quadruple an insurance company’s initial settlement offer. We have won more than $400 million for our clients. If you want to get maximum compensation for your damages, injuries and losses, call The Law Collective today. With our team of expert car accident attorneys, you will never have to settle for less than you deserve. Call now or tap the button below for a free consultation!